Looking for Better Energy? Aronia may be an answer!

You feel stranded out in the middle of nowhere looking for a better energy solution and then finally! An arrow that points the way. Arrows point us in the right direction or encourage us to be brave and daring…and they have been used forever! When you look to Lifebrook, not only will we point you in the right direction, we will embolden you with a courage for the future because with Puronia, you may feel much more energy.

Puronia, Lifebrook’s signature product, is made from aronia berries.  Aronia berries are naturally found in the Midwest and have been used for centuries.  Native Americans used the berries for a variety of reasons, but primarily to curb colds1 because the berry has a substantial amount of Vitamin C2.  A 2011 randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind trial gave about 200 men either a supplement containing vitamin C, B complex and minerals or a placebo.  The results came in and those receiving the supplement were found to have greater physical and mental stamina than those taking the placebo3.

Next time, instead of reaching for the coffee pot, try drinking Lifebrook’s Puronia.  Your days may get a whole lot clearer with renewed energy.

Want to find out more?  Check in with the person that sent you this or click here for more information: https://www.lifebrook.com/aronia-science/




Posted in Health  ·  Tagged antioxidantsaroniaaronia berriesaronia berryaronia berry juicelifebrookpuroniasuperfruit