Keeping It Off

The drop in temperature has us zipping up coats, pulling on hats, and wrapping scarfs, but there is something to keep off: weight. It’s hard with the holidays right around the corner, but critically important to our New Year’s goals!

Keep up the discipline and hard work towards healthy habits, but did you know that Puronia juice, packed full of aronia berries, could actually help?* Aronia berries are known as nature’s powerful healer by Native Americans, but Western culture has let this powerful berry go silent even though the berries contain such potential. Aronia berries are full of anthocyanins, which may help in the prevention of obesity.1 Basically, anthocyanins are antioxidants2 and are quickly absorbed from both the stomach and small intestine,3 but are also found in other organs and tissues.4 Certain tissue dysfunction is the primary defect in obesity. Because the tissues are absorbing the aronia berry anthocyanins, current findings show that it may be beneficial in preventing or decreasing obesity.4

If that isn’t enough to raise a glass, or 1.75 ounces of Puronia too, then I’d say you’re missing out this holiday season! Enjoy!


* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.